Worst Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling

Steven Kelly and Risto Pohjonen
"Worst Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling"
IEEE Software, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 22-29, July/Aug. 2009


Interest in creating domain-specific modeling (DSM) languages is surging, but little guidance is available on how to do it right. Along with heeding best practices, learning what not to do—including how to handle common pitfalls and recognize troublesome areas—can help first-time developers. The authors have identified several worst practices based on an analysis of 76 DSM cases spanning 15 years, four continents, several tools, around 100 language creators, and projects with from three to more than 300 modelers. They present these worst practices in the order that language developers would encounter them over the life of a project.


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Worst Practices for Domain-Specific Modeling (PDF, 1.5MB) ©2009 IEEE

ドメインスペシフィックモデリングのワーストプラクティス(良くない事例集) (PDF, 1.5MB) ©2009 IEEE

Further information

For further information or any questions, please contact the corresponding author: stevek@metacase.com
