7.2 Type Manager

The Type Manager is a tool for exporting and deleting modeling language specifications. It can be opened from the Launcher by choosing Metamodel | Type Manager.

The Type Manager window consists of two lists (Figure 7–3). The list on the left shows the graph types currently loaded into the MetaEdit+ client. The check box below the list allows you to choose whether all subtypes are shown in the list. The list on the right shows the types currently loaded into the MetaEdit+ client. If you want to select all graph types in the list or invert the existing selection, use the Select All and Invert Selection buttons.

Figure 7–3. Type Manager.

Exporting modeling languages and types

Modeling languages (i.e. graph types and the other types they use) can be exported to a file to be transferred to another MetaEdit+ repository.

Types can be exported either as just the set needed for some selected graph types, or as the full set of types defined in a given project. To export a set of graph types:
1)Make sure that you do not have uncommitted changes. If necessary, press the Commit button in the main MetaEdit+ launcher.
2)Select the desired graph types in the list on the left.
3)Press the arrow button between the lists to update the selections in the list on the right. All types necessary for the selected graph types are selected in the list on the right. Loading and calculating the types may take a while.
4)To export types in binary format, press the Save as Patch button and enter a file name *.met for the exported types. Alternatively, if you want to export types in XML format, press Export to XML and enter the file name .mxt.
5)Enter the name of the source database if prompted. This name is used as the reference for the original repository if you are exporting types repeatedly from one repository to another. See the User’s Guide and System Administrator’s Guide sections on the Graph Manager for more details.

If you want to save some types that are not chosen, you could make a temporary graph type that references them. Alternatively, to export all types from a specific project, press the Select by Project... button. Note that if the types in that project also use types from other projects, the export file will also include these other types. All types to be saved can be seen in the right list.

Types can be imported into MetaEdit+ as a patch file filed in to the repository (see the ‘MetaEdit+ System Administrator’s Guide’ for importing patches).

Type usage information

After selecting some graph types and pressing the arrow button, you can browse the users of a type in the list on the right.
1)Select the type in the list on the right
2)Choose Show Type Users... from its pop-up menu
3)A list dialog opens showing all types which refer to the selected type. From the list you can select one or more referring types to inspect which types in turn use them, or open the types in a method development tool by holding shift down while pressing OK.

Note that the types shown as using this type are only those that are currently selected in the list on the right. They are thus possibly only a subset of those that use this type in the whole repository. To see which of the currently loaded types use this type, edit the selected type by selecting Edit Type from its pop-up menu and press Info in its method development tool.

To see all using types in the whole repository, first open all projects (Repository | Open Project... in the main MetaEdit+ launcher) and then view the Info for the type as above.

Removing types

Types that are not needed can be removed from the repository by opening all projects, choosing the graph types you want to keep, and pressing the Delete Unselected button. See the ‘MetaEdit+ System Administrator’s Guide’ for further details, and before performing this operation.